13 JULY 1867, Page 1


THE Reform Bill has passed through Committee, schedules and all. On Monday night the amendments proposed by private members were all rejected or withdrawn, and Mr. Disraeli pro- posed to take the report on Thursday. This was considered too soon, and it was finally arranged that the report should be taken yesterday, the debate being continuous, and other business ex- cluded, so that the third reading might be fixed for Monday. In an article on the subject in another column we have assumed that this programme will be adhered to, and the pressure on the House is now so considerable from the weariness of members, the state of the thermometer, the desire to get abroad, and even the interrup- tions caused by the reception of the Sultan, that it is really possi- ble the Bill may pass early on Tuesday morning. It is more pro- bable that the final division, which will be taken by General Peel and the old Tories, will come off on Thursday ; but Monday is the day now fixed, that is, astronomically speaking, Tuesday morning.