Mr. Seward Has Made A Somewhat Noteworthy Speech At Boston.
He says the one thing required to keep the Union intact is that the people should submit to the President of their own choice. If they will but do that, he would engage in......
At The Opening Of The Alexandra Orphanage For Infants At
Hornsey Rise last Saturday, Lord Granville made some admirable remarks on the vices of the system of election to these charities, involving, as it does, all the machinery of a......
The Bishop Of Carlisle (dr. Waldegravc) Made On Another...
of the Bill, which permits State officials to attend in their robes of office, at their own place of worship, one of the narrowest and foolishest speeches which even a Bishop......
M. Thiers Made A Great Speech On Mexico On Wednesday,
which reads rather dull to Englishmen. Its great point is that the Emperor made a blunder which he would not have made had the Chamber had the courage, through responsible......
Complaints Are Appearing In The Papers Of The Way In
which officers invested with the Star of India receive their decorations. They are sent in a brown paper parcel from the Heralds' Office, and no Knight has in England been......
It Is Possible, Apparently, That We Shall Invade...
the cold weather. The King refuses absolutely to surrender our messenger, Mr. Rassam, the Consul, the missionaries, and the Euglish workmen whom he has seized, and Lord Stanley......
It Is Instructive To Contrast Lord Derby's Language About...
execution of the poor Emperor Maximilian with that of his " noble relative," as he always calls Lord Stanley,—perhaps " my noble son" would sound awkward. Lord Derby on Tuesday,......
On Religious Questions The Lords Seem Almost More Liberal...
the Commons. When the Offices' and Oaths' Bill, as passed in the Lower House, providing for the opening of the Lord Chancel- lorship of Ireland and other offices to Roman......
Mr. Disraeli's Speech Against The Motion Was One Of The
most democratic in tone and rollicking in manner which he has yet de- livered. He began by striking somewhat heavily at Mr. Gorst, the Conservative member for Cambridge, who had......