The Bishop of Carlisle (Dr. Waldegravc) made on another clause
of the Bill, which permits State officials to attend in their robes of office, at their own place of worship, one of the narrowest and foolishest speeches which even a Bishop ever made in the House of Lords. He thought that if passed it might lead —(of course it might)—to a Jew Mayor attending the synagogue in his Mayoralty robes, and where should we be then ? Nay, such dignified municipal garments might even go on the back of their wearer " to places where Christianity was not only ignored, but even called in question." Doubtless ; and would the clothes be any the worse for that ? or the person for wearing the clothes? The Bishop of Carlisle does net suppose that the mace would be con- verted, or that the gold chain would Hebraize ? He was anxious to divide the House, but finding himself almost alone at the door of the lobby—which was creditable to the good sense of the House of Lords—Dr. Waldegrave withdrew his zealous opposition to subjecting orthodox clothes to heretical influences.