From thy gracious paths have stray'd, Cold to thee and
to thy kindness, Wilful, reckless, or afraid, Through dim clouds that gather round us Thou halt sought, and thou hest found us.
Oft from thee we veil our faces Children-like to cheat thine eyes ; Sin, and hope to hide the traces ; From ourselves ourselves disguise : 'Neath the webs we've woven round us Thy soul-piercing glance has found us.
Sudden, midst our idle chorus, O'er our sin thy thunders roll ; Death his signal waves before us, Night and terror take the soul : Till through double darkness round us Looks a star,—and Thou halt found us.
O most merciful, most holy!
Cast thy brightness on our way ; Reep us ever thine, thine wholly, Leave us not again to stray !
Cloud and storm oft gather round us : We were lost,—but thou haat found us. F. T. P.