Body and Mind; the Nervous System and its Derangements. By
George Yates Hunter, M.R.O.S., L.S.A. (Churchill.)—We may safely recommend this book to parents and guardians, for its teaching is gonna and sensible, and they will not be so ruthlessly critical as to take excep- tion to some slipshod writing and a few unnecessary expressions of opinion. Certainly, we were amused at finding a book on nervous derangement (dedicated, by the bye, to Sir George Bowyer) going out of its way to discuss the sanitary aspect of ritualism and of auricular con- fession. When Mr. Hunter states that fasting and penance weaken the- body to such an extent as to affect a mind which was never strong, he must surely cause deep pain to the member for Dundalk, as reflecting- on the saints of that Church which Sir George represents in Parliament..