Although a fair average business has been transacted in National
Stock this week, and although the dividend payments have been commenced to the public, somewhat numerous fluctuations have taken place in the quotations. On Monday, Consols for money were done at sq and for the 8th of August, 94k, 95. Yester- day the closing prices were 941 for transfer, and 94*, 95, for the account. Reduced and New Three per Cents. were quoted at 94 to ; Exchequer Bills, 20s. to 27s. prem. ; India Bonds, 57s. to 65s. prem. ; and India Five per Cents., 1101 to Foreign Bonds and Railway Shares have been extremely inactive, and the prices of most securities have tended downwards. There has been a moderate demand for money, and the best commercial paper is readily taken at 2 to 211 per cent. The stock of bullion in the Bank of England now amounts to 22,541,2311.,. while the Bank of France holds 34,433,3081.