The "Old Catholics" have got a Bishop at last. The
Arch- bishop of Utrecht, a schismatic and Jansenist heretic, but whose "orders" are, we believe, acknowledged to be regular at Rome, has gone to Munich to confirm the children of the "Old Catholics," and has been received with enthusiasm. The Dutch Archbishop himself seems not to be able to speak German, at least Professor Friedrich appears to have addressed his flock of candidates for confirmation in his name ; but even one prelate with orders acknowledged at Rome is sufficient, we believe, to con- secrate others with equally good orders, so that the "Old Catholics" may now have a bishop of their own, and one not disputed at Rome. The new Church, therefore, though every one of its members is guilty, according to the Roman Catholic theory, of mortal sin, in taking confirmation and absolution from the hands of heretics and schismatics, will now have the "custody of the sacraments," and can at least make a show of continuing the Catholic tradition,—though it must be something new, we fancy, to Dr. Dollinger to welcome Jansenists into his communion.