13 JULY 1872, page 21
Zymotic Diseases : Their Correlation And Causation. By A....
F.R.C.S. (J. and A. Churchill.)—Mr. Wolff does not believe that the various diseases which are known by the name of zymotic, and of which the chief are cholera, typhus, enteric......
New Enmoxs.—volcanos. By G. Poulett Scrope. (longmans.)—...
of this book dates nearly half a century ago, when the author was associated with Sir 0. Lyell in the secretaryship of the Geological Society. A second edition was published in......
Seamozos.—if Any One Of Our Clerical Readers, Not Being A
well-known personage, were to go to a publisher with a proposal for a volume of sermons, be would probably meet with a chilling reply. Yet, undoubt- edly, many volumes of......