13 JULY 1895, Page 25

Phillips Brooks' Year - Book : Selections from the Writings of the

Right Rev. Phillips Brooks. By " H. L. S." and " L. H. S." (Dickin- son.)—This book needs no criticism. Bishop Brooke was a thinker who had a great power of giving to his thoughts a vivid and power- ful expression. Extracts do no one absolute justice ; some are almost misrepresented by them. This is not the case with Phillips Brooks. This volume will be prized by many readers.—With this volume may be mentioned The Message of Man : a Book of Ethical Scriptures Gathered from Many Sources and Arranged (Swan Sonnenschein and Co.)—The compiler has gone to writers both Christian and non-Christian, and put together a volume into which one may dip at random, and be sure to find something of value.