THE GRAFTON GALLERY AND OTHER . EXHIBITIONS. CHILDREN are deadly judges of the affected and insincere. Among the grown-up, there is a tacit allowance made for all those social......
Voluntary Education.
[To THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—Why do people never suggest that parents will be willing to pay towards the support of voluntary schools ? There are large numbers, I......
The Catholic Church And Vivisection. [to Tee Editor Of The
"SPECTATOR. " ] SIB,—Catholice do not expect their Church to teach authori- tatively all their pet principles. It is quite open to a Catholic to condemn vivisection ; many do.......
The Radicals And Home-rule.
LTO THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR." SIR,—I think the following incident may be worth re- cording in connection with the present attitude of the Radical party towards Home-rule.......
The Late Professor Huxley.
[TO TEE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR. "] SIR,—Your paper will no doubt be presently full of memories of Professor Huxley. I should like, with your permission, to add one while his......
IRONY. WHAT would the world be if the good ceased striving ; Did no one stand for justice, no one say I am for virtue ; but the truth betray, Raising no protest, silently......
Cromwell And Religious Liberty..
[TO THE EDITOR OP THE "SpzerAToz."] Sin,—The Spectator of July 6th contains a letter on " Crom- well and Religious Liberty." At present, when the principle- of Local Veto is so......