[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—However it may be in London, we here in Glasgow have long since overcome the difficulty of allowing the workers a fortnight's holiday in the country. All our factories and works close annually in July for a clear ten days. On Thursday, July 11th, the exodus of toilers began, and during next week there will not be a village in Scotland or an island in the Hebrides without some of the Glasgow "fair folk," as they are called. The holidays are known as the "Glasgow Fair Holidays." Nor are our poor children neglected. I am not aware of any agency for sending them to board with cottagers in the country, as you describe, but a Chri itian agency sends many thousands of the poorest for a fortnight to homes on our beautiful Firth of Clyde, houses kept for this purpose by a band of Christian workers. The expense is defrayed by voluntary subscriptions, as in the case of your Country Holiday Fund. Ours is known as the "Fresh Air Fortnight Fund." I would take this opportunity of expressing how highly may of us appreciate your valued paper, which is always a welcome "week-end" visitor. Occasionally, how- ever, after reading an interesting article, we say, "Very interesting, but it does not apply to Scotland." It is not always our national conceit that leads us to say so.—I am,