A Dream "walk."
fro THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR.") Stn,—The correspondence in your columns on "A Dream House" has brought to my mind a dream walk which I had many years ago. It occurred in the......
[to The Editor Of The "spectator."] Sir, — Dreams Are...
and perhaps what I am about to relate may interest your readers. When quite young—I was only seven years old then—I lived with my parents at a villa in Trieste, Austria. For......
The Art Of Marching.
(TO TRX EDITOR OP THE "SPROTA.TOR.") Six,—In your review of Colonel Purse's book on "The Art of Marching," in the Spectator of July 6th, you point out that the chief condition......
(to The Editor Of The "spectator:1 Sir, — We Owe You A
debt of gratitude for publishing the article entitled "‘ Day Treats' for Children" in the Spectator of July 6th, but I should like to call attention to a statement there made......
"day Treats" For Children.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—However it may be in London, we here in Glasgow have long since overcome the difficulty of allowing the workers a fortnight's holiday in......