The Spectator Prize was shot for at Bisley on Thursday
—twenty-nine rifle clubs sending competing teams—and won by the Birmingham Rifle Club. To the team and the members of the club generally we desire to tender our heartiest congratulations. The winners were Mr. Lewis, Mr. Tye, Mr. Jones, Sergeant Holroyd, and Mr. Stocks. The total score was 310,-157 at 200 yds. and 153 at 500 yds. The Lcatherhead Rifle Club won second place with a score of 234. We are delighted to note that though the prize was in its first year, and therefore unlikely to attract many competi- tors, so large a number of clubs entered. The Birmingham Club is, we believe, a Morris-tube club, and their fine score allows how much of the rifleman's art may be karat on short ranges.