Origenis Heraplorum quce Supersunt. Vol. II, Part I. Edited by
Frederic Field. (The Clarendon Press, Oxford.)—This is an instalment of a noble work by Mr. Field, a gentleman already known to the literary and theological world by his labours upon St. Chrysostom. It is worthy of the Clarendon Press to undertake a publication which, however desired by scholars, would hardly have been undertaken by any private publishing firm. More than a century and a half has elapsed since the learned Benedictine, Montfaucon, issued his edition of the Ilerapla. It is a ponderous work, and has now become scarce, and since his day the apparatus criticus which is needed for so learned a publication has be- come greatly extended in amount. We need hardly say that Mr. Field appears to be in possession of, and to have used judiciously, every exist- ing source of elucidation of the Ilexapla. He labours, indeed, under the disadvantage of having brought out first the first part of his second volume. We shall look anxiously for the first part of the first volume, which will, no doubt, contain valuable Prolegomena, and an account both. of the method of the work itself, and of his own method of editing it.