The Racing Season Certainly Causes More Trouble And...
mind to quiet men in racing time than it does of enjoyment to the devotees of races, and for this the Railway Companies are in great measure responsible. They treat their......
Sir James Brooke, Better Known As Rajah Brooke, Died On
'Thursday, at his house in Devonshire, his dream of conquering 13orneo, and turning it into an English Java, still unfulfilled. Ile was a bold, upright, and somewhat over stern......
The Western Chambers Of Agriculture Held A Meeting After...
at Falmouth last week, attended by some of the most influential proprietors and agriculturists in the West. A re- solution was proposed and apparently carried unanimously that......
Mr. Hewlett, Officer Of Health For Bombay, Has Sent In
a report for 1867 which vegetarians will not like. Of the 816,562 inhabitants of Bombay, 61,994 belong to the non-flesh-eating -castes; and while the general mortality amounts......
The Agitation Against Mr. Gladstone's Irish Church...
been very prosperous this last week. The Bishop of Carlisle (Dr. I'Valdegrave) addressed a meeting ten days ago, in which he authenticated Mr. Disraeli's dark and mysterious......
Rather Large Sales Of Money Stock Having Taken Place, The
value of Home Securities has fluctuated this week. Yesterday, Consols for money left off at 95 to 9k; for the account, 95k I. Reduced and New Three per Cents., 94i, 95;......
The Government Has Decided That Mr. Street Shall Be...
for the Palace of Justice and Mr. Barry for the new National Gallery, and it is currently believed by the sanguine that about five years hence the actual buildings will be......
Yesterday And On Friday Week The Leading Foreign Bonds Left
off at the annexed quotations :— Friday, June 6. Friday, June 18. 161 161 384 371 631 63 65 65 721 721 Mexican Turkish 6 per Cents., 1858 „ 1862... United States 5.20s m......
There Is A Rumour That Mr. Eyre Is To Be
started as a candidate for Westminster, in opposition to Mr. Mill, and we heartily hope it is true. It would be well to test British feeling by a plebisci tuna -of that kind,......
There Has Been A Panic In Mark Lane, Where The
Corn-factors nowadays bet as heavily as their brethren of the Stock Exchange. On Monday, the 1st inst., two speculators failed, corn went down 14s. per quarter, and farmers......
Yesterday And On Friday Week The Leading British Railways...
off at the annexed quotations :— Great Eastern... ... „. Great Northern ... ... Great Western ... „.. Lancashire and Yorkshire ... London and Brighton ... London and......