Eastern European Shuffle
Just how many Hungarians are pleased with the recent move of the political centre of gravity towards the left, and just how many are displeased, is not revealed by the cautious, contradictory, and sometimes disingenuous statements from Hungarian sources both
inside and outside the country. What is perfectly clear is the fact that the Soviet authorities have nothing to grumble at. Communist influence has been strengthened, the leadership of the Smallholders' Party has been further weakened, the somewhat artificial unity of that party has been all but broken, the desired nationalisation of the banks is assured, and there will probably be a new election in the autumn which will be a little nearer to the Polish than to the Western model. The policy of most Hungarians will remain funda- mentally pro-Hungarian rather than pro-Russian or pro-American, but the difficulty of steering a middle course will have been increased by the succession of Communist moves of which the removal of M. Nagy was merely the most recent. The American note of protest in strong terms has been sent after some careful preparation. But it is quite certain that words, however strong, will have no effect on Russian policy. The latest demonstration of that fact is found in Mr. Molotov's reply to the British request for further information on the Hungarian situation. His immediate counter-accusation of British interference only emphasises that in verbal warfare the Russians have a head start of all corners. At present it is easier to sec the general effect of the changes in Hungary than it is to decide what to do about it. In the meantime, in Bulgaria, where the extension of Russian Communist influence has gone rather further, the leader of the Agrarian opposition group has been placed under arrest ; and in Austria, where it has not gone nearly so far, the small Communist element is making a bid for bigger representation in the Government and the almost routine attacks on the more successful members of the Government are beginning. If the Russians really are preparing to withdraw eastwards they are leaving some extraordinarily well-. prepared outposts behind them.