12 JUNE 1947, page 26

By-ways Of Cambridge History. By F. A. Keynes. (cambridge

University Press. - 7s:6d.) PERHAPS the most interesting passage in this varied collection of antiquarian studies occurs in the chapter on. High Stewards of Cambridge—the......

Music And Reason. Charles T. 'smith. (watts. 7s. 6d.i This

is a very hot • and angry little book, belying its elegant eighteenth-century title. It is a review of the whole field of music in the light of y a single disbelief which......

Shorter Notices

English Popular Traditional Art By Margaret Lambert and Enid Marx. Britain in Pictures Series. (Collins. 5s.) THE problem with a book of this kind is where to begin and end—......

After Fascism

MISS GRINDROD has provided precisely what she set out to do, a fair-minded and accurate handbook to the Italy which has emerged after Fascism. There is real need for such a......

Forty Years In And Out Of Parliament By Sir Percy

Harris (Melrose. 16s.) SIR PERCY HARRIS has spent twenty-five years in the House of Commons as a private Member, and private Members see quite as much of the game as Ministers,......