Points decision
Sir: For a minister of the Crown to keep writing in like this betrays, I think, a certain sense of insecurity. Can it be that Mr Garel-Jones (Letters, 9 May, 6 June) has something on his conscience?
He now tells us that there is 'a growing body of opinion within the Community in favour of a more devolved approach', which 'should spread to the European Court of Justice'. Leaving aside his revealing use of the word 'devolved' (with its assumption that the natural starting-point or norm is a centralised European state), I find this a peculiarly flimsy way of justifying his faith in the European Court. It is almost as flim- sy as the wording of his precious `subsidiari- ty' clause, which will not prevent the Com- munity from pursuing Europe-wide policies on anything at all — such policies being, by definition, beyond the powers of any indi- vidual countries to implement.
There is indeed a growing body of opin- ion within the Community in favour of retaining the powers of national govern- ments. It has grown in Denmark, is growing in Great Britain, and has spread to a large part of the Conservative Party. One day, perhaps, it will even spread to the Foreign Office.
Noel Malcolm
6A Huntingdon Street, London N1