13 JUNE 1992, page 24

Ball Bearings

Sir: John Osborne refers to my friend Rory Knight Bruce in the most unflattering detail (Diary, 30 May). I have always found Rory to be a kind and generous creature if sometimes......

Points Decision

Sir: For a minister of the Crown to keep writing in like this betrays, I think, a certain sense of insecurity. Can it be that Mr Garel-Jones (Letters, 9 May, 6 June) has......

Life Of Brian

Sir: Having noted in this morning's publica- tion of the dissolution Honours List the elevation of Sir Ian Gilmour and Nigel Lawson, the first being the financial saviour of The......

Cricketing Critic Sir: For Many Years I Believed That Giles

Auty was appointed art critic of your jour- nal because he was good enough at tennis to make a pair with Taki and a sufficiently expert batsman to open for your cricket team. It......


Sir: It was very kind of that nice Mr Keating to write about me last week (Sport, 6 June). But I should just say that my birthday is the day after Frank Woolley's and two days......

Spray And Poop

Sir: Alan Watkins' (Diary, 9 May) ginger torn may have sprayed just twice in six years in his house, but I'll bet his neighbours haven't been so lucky. That is because cats,......

Joking Apart

Sir: Thank you for Christopher Bray's excellent review of my novel The Mother-in- Law Joke (Books, 6 June). As he refers to me throughout as `Martyn' I fear he may be an old......