Manchester, Friday Evening.—Things were never more gloomy than they have
been since Tuesday senmght ; and with the advance on cotton, and a declining value in goods and yarns, makes the business worse in the way of profit than at any former period. There has, how- ever, been a little more disposition to buy cloth at Tuesday's rates, and some sales have been made on those terms. ICarns are also miserably dull, though not quite so difficult to quit as piece goods.—Liverpool Mail, March 13.
The trade of Leeds is dull, caused, mainly, by the American news. The business in the two Cloth-halls on Saturday and Tuesday was limited to immediate wants, though bargains might have been had in some instances. In the warehouses, considerable business goes on in connexion with the home trade. Money is scarce, and very hard to get at—Leeds Intelligences, March IS.