13 MARCH 1841, page 10

The First February Mail From The West Indies Has Arrived

this morn- ing. The papers are for the most part filled with English news or small local topics, nothing more important being astir in the islands.......


Sir Jeremiah Dickson, K.C.B., is appointed to the command of the troops in Nova Scotia. There was a conference, on Wednesday afternoon, between Viscount Palmerston, Prince......


Baron Bulow's Departure For Germany Is Postponed Until...

circumstances having arisen that will preclude his Excelleecy's depar- ture so soon as he intended. Baron Nieumann, who 'was expected to have left for Vienna on the 19th, is......

We Believe We May State 'with Confidence That The Heads

of Houses in the University of Oxford have appointed a Committee to prepare some measure giving testimony of their entire disapprobation of /dr. Newman's tracts, particularly......

The Paris Papers Of Thursday Are Mostly Engaged In...

the new Egyptian question, generally with some warmth. The Paris papers of Thursday are mostly engaged in discussing the new Egyptian question, generally with some warmth. In......

Madrid Letters Of The 4th Mention, That On The 3d

instant a Council of Ministers was held, at which Senor Gamboa, the Finance Minister, made an exposition of the state of the finances, which was most deplorable, the war having......

Rumour Is Busy As To The Successor Of Rear-admiral Elliot

in the East Indian command. Among the numerous officers named, are the gallant Lord Cochrane, now the Earl of Dandonald, Sir Charles Adam, and Sir William Parker.—Hampshire......

Manchester, Friday Evening.—things Were Never More Gloomy...

been since Tuesday senmght ; and with the advance on cotton, and a declining value in goods and yarns, makes the business worse in the way of profit than at any former period.......

Money Market. .

STOCK EX6IAIVOI: . F4IDAT AFTZRROON. The fear of a war with the United States, of which the intelligence brought by every arrival from America this week seemed' to increaee the......

POSTSCRIPT SATURDAY NIGHT. In the House of Commons, last night, Lord Palmerston was put to the question, by Sir ROBERT PEEL, Lord SANDON, and Mr. EWART, on the subject of the......