THE reasons for Herr Hitler's sudden determination—. kr there is every indication that it was a last- moment decision—not to be content with merely repudiating the Treaty of Locarno but to net on the repudiation forthwith remain matter for speculation. Whatever they may be, the repudiation of Loearno is an accomplished fact, and the French at least are convinced that it will be by no means the last of such accomplished facts unless an uncompromisingly firm stand is made now. The gravity of the situation may be measured by the fact that France, Russia, the Little Entente Powers and Poland are to all appearance prepared to press to the point of war demands to which Herr Hitler could hardly accede without risking his whole tgime. Italy's attitude is uncertain, and the fact that at a moment when sanctions are in operation against her as a treaty- breaker she is called on as a member of the League Council to sit in judgement on a treaty-breaking Germany adds one further serious complication to the situation. For all that, there is no parallel between the action of Germany in reoccupying her own territory, even though it involves a breach of treaty, and Italy's in wan- tonly attacking an independent State, fellow-member of the League, and slaughtering half-armed black troops with heavy artillery and air-bombardments. It is well to be perfectly clear about that. There can be no bargaining, about sanctions.