What To Do With Milk
[To the Editor of THE SeEcTATon.1 SIR,—The article on this subject in your last issue puts before its readers a problem which, while it concerns everyone, is of special interest......
The Goat Standard
[To the Editor of Tol: SPECTATOR. Sm.— All who have visited East Africa and taken any interest in its agriculture and rural economy will agree with the views expressed in the......
Mr. Herbert's Divorce Bill
[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] SIR,--The proposal to extend the jurisdiction of the police courts in matrimonial eases is surely an astonishing one, in view of the record of......
The Government And Tithe
[To the Editor of TUE SPECTATOR.] Stn,----I observe that you say that " the justice and merits " of the Government's tithe proposals " are so clear that the arguments brought......