WITH the approach of April the City is reminded that theBu is looming ahead, but nobody is likely to get unduly wo about Sir Kingsley Wood's plans this year. There are now many other factors, some plus and some minus, in the inv ment equation. What is commonly termed weight of money a powerful influence in favour of rising security values, whi has already demonstrated its ability to counter anything but most disconcerting war news as a general influence on the m trend. War news itself seems to be playing a secondary either in reinforcing weight of money when the news is thou to be good, or braking the rise, or bringing a temporary rela when the news appears to be bad.
Then, again, there are specific influences on security val which now outweigh Budget changes. It is obvious, for exam that the Government's belated decision to tune up the natio life to the needs of the war situation, which will be implemen in the main outside the Budget- scheme, is going to affect earnings of many industries. I do not expect the ord' investor to watch these developments very closely and deN over-much time to trimming his sails to the ever-changing wi