Sue,—Before S.P.C.E. goes into recess, may I comment on some of " Janus's " ruling in last week's Spectator? His single damn for the use of " Scotch " instead of " Scots or......
Money In Russia Sir,—in His Article On " Money In
Russia," Mr. Leon Kiril says, " He cannot draw an income from rent, royalties, &c." In the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Pamphlet No. 375 of December, 1941, it is......
The Future Of Education
ut,—I have been waiting in the hope that someone might raise the vious question which arises from Mr. Jacks's plan. If it is essential the welfare of Public Schools that they......
The Future Of Austria
Suz,—The extremely interesting article by Sir Watford Selby in your nue of March 6th stresses the key position Austria held, and may hold again when this wjr is over, in the......
Sm,—mr. Bruce Has Made A Very Sensible Suggestion In...
filling the public schools with the best brains in the country by a process of elimination which would be irrespective of the social or financial status of the parents. There is......
Entertaining The Army
Snt,—My family and I are more than thankful to see a letter in your issue of 6th inst. deprecating the low quality of B.B.C. entertainments for the Forces, especially as the......