The new financial statement of the Chancellor of the Exchequer, on Mon- day last, was favourably received, and produced an improvement in the Funds. An impression had prevailed that the war-expenses were to be met by an issue of terminable annuities; and a substitution of augmented taxes was unexpected, and to the commercial classes especially. Great satisfaction has been expressed that a return to abolished imposts has been avoided, and that the order of trade will not be reversed. Respecting the 2,000,000/. Exchequer Bonds, the whole had not been subscribed for on Monday at the closing of the lists at the Bank of England ; but applications were made on the following day for the remainder, and were accepted, it was suppos.4 although they had to be submitted to the Treasury, as the time spmifi. had expired. The Funds opened with a dull appearance on Monday, and Consols were 874 a until the afternoon, when they advanced to 871 The financial propositions on the previous night, if adopted, are not of a na- ture to disturb the Money-market ; and this caused a further improvement
on Tuesday, Consols closing firm at 88. On Wednesday they rose , through the buoyancy in the French market, and a feeling that a great scarcity of Stock would be experienced on the settlement of the Account. This was arranged on Thursday : when Consols were done as high as 88k, and were nearly z dearer for money than for the June settling. Afterwards there was a fall of 1 per cent, caused by a large supply of Stock; and when it transpired that the Bank had raised the rate of discount to 51 per cent, Con- sols declined to 871, but closed higher. The increase in the discount oc- casioned some surprise, as the favourable turn in the exchange at Paris offers no profit on the transmission of gold from England. The Bank of France yesterday reduced its rate of discount from 5 to 4 per cent, which had been for some days anticipated. The increase in their bullion had reached 4,000,0001. since 'February ; during which nearly the same amount had been drawn from the Bank of England. The National Discount Bank has made the same reduction of one per cent. At St. Petersburg the money-market has improved, and the exchange on London has advanced to 341d. to 35d. Accounts from Amsterdam refer to a small Austrian loan of 2,500,0001. introduced into that city, and 1,000,0001. at Frankfort : it is a 5 per cent stock ; the price, framed according to the dif- ference of exchange, is fixed at 71/ at Amsterdam, and at Frankfort at 751. The construction placed upon this loan is that it is raised for an immediate emergency,—namely, the probable declaration of war between Austria and Russia. The New Exchequer Bonds, after being at 4, premium, have since been done at par.
To-day the Funds are rather firm ; and Consols have ranged between 871 and 88, leaving off buyers at the latter price. The French Funds came about
higher this morning. Bank and India Stocks, and Exchequer Bills, are the same as last week.
Foreign Stocks have been rather firm, and the following improvement has occurred this week--Brazilian, Belgian, and Danish Five per Cents, 2; Dutch Two-and-a-half, Four per Cents, Russian Five and Four-and- a-half per Cents, 1 ; Spanish Three per Cents, ; Ditto Deferred, 1. The Committee of Mexican Bondholders have issued a report de- scribing their proceedings since January last year : a meeting will be held on Monday next. The present produce of the revenue as- signed to the Bondholders would, it is considered, if properly collected and
remitted, produce 2} per cent of the 3 per cent required annually. This the Committee propose to bring before the notice of our Government, with a view to diplomatic protection. The stock advanced on Thursday to 24j, and afterwards receded to 24 : to-day it is 24 1. The rise yesterday was caused by news of the completion of the Gadsden Treaty, although some doubt still exists ea to- the terms of ratification • but it is believed that the amount to be paid to Mexico would be 2,000,0001. Railways presented a better appearance in the early part of the week, particularly on Wednesday, when an advance of 10s. to 11. was established. Great Western then closed at 721, 31, London and North-Western 951, 61, and Midland 574, 84. Yesterday a decline took place, in sympathy with the fall in Consols; and at the close the difference in some of the leading lines compared with last Saturday's was to the following extent. Increase—North British, 108. ; Caledonian, and South-Eastern, 5s. Decrease—Lancaster and Carlisle, 21. ; Oxford, Worcester, and Wolverhampton, and Shrewsbury and Birmingham, 1/. ; Chester and Holyhead, Great Northern, London and South-Western, and York and North Midland, 10s. ; Great Western, London and North-Western, London, Brighton, and South Coast, and Midland, were at Saturday's prices. In Foreign Shares, the improvement has been— Western of France, 11. 10s. ; Northern of France, Paris and Orleans, and Paris and Rouen, 11. ; Paris and Lyons, 17s. 6d. ; Luxembourg, and Namur, and Liege, 5s. To-day, the English lines have improved 10s. in several instances ; Foreign are also higher.
SATURDAY, Two o'CLocx .
The English Funds are a little stronger, and an improvement of 4 has been established, Console closing at 88 1 for both Money and Account. Ex- chequer Bills 2 die. 2 pm. Foreign Stocks are firmer, and an advance has occurred in the following—Danish Three per Cents, and Swedish, 2 ; Chilisn, Danish Five, Peruvian Four-and-a-half and Three per Cents, and Sardinian, 1; Spanish Three per Cents, 1; Ditto Deferred, 4. Buenos Ayres. have been done at 56/.
Railways have been little dealt in, and are without alteration. These are the latest transactions—Caledonian, 531; Eastern Counties, 12 ; East Lan- cashire, 581; Edinburgh and Glasgow, 64 ; Great Northern, 85 ; Ditto A Stock, 72; Ditto B Stock, 120; Great Southern and Western, (Ireland,) 881 ; Great Western, 724; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 591, ; London and Black- well, 81; London and North-Western, 954; North British, 291; Shrews- bury and Birmingham, 52; South Wales, 341; York, Newcastle, and Ber- wick, 641; Ditto Extension, 11; York and North Midland, 454; London and Greenwich, 121; Northern and Eastern 5 per Cent, 551; Great West- ern, Converted Redeemable 41 per Cent, 954; London and South-Western Converted Thirds, 71; Antwerp and Rotterdam, 61 ; East Indian Exten- sion, 11; Northern of France, 311 ; West Flanders, 31. Mines—Agua Fria, 11 ; Oriental Bank Corporation, 44; Union of Australia, 68. Miscellaneous —Australian Agricultural, 39; Crystal Palace, 61; Peel River Land and Ermeral, 41 ; Van Diemen's Land, 101
3 per Ceat Consols ......
.... 88 4
Danish 3 per Cents 74 7 Ditto for Account
88 4
Dutch 21 per Cents 57 9 3 per Cent Reduced 86j 74 Ditto 4 per Cents 86 8
SI per Cents 87i
Mexican 3 per Cents 24 1 Long Annuities 41 Peruvian 41 per Cents 60 2 Bank Stock 202 5 Ditto 3 per Cents 43 5 • Exchequer Bills 2 die. 2 pm. Portuguese 4 per Cents 36 8 India Stock 233 6 Russian 5 per Cents 93 5 Austrian 5 per Cents 77 82 Ditto 41 per Cents 80 2 Brazilian 5 per Cents 96 8 Spanish 3 per Cents 37 Belgian 41 per Cents 84 7 ex d. Ditto Deferred 18
Ceiffian 6 per Cents
100 2 Sardinian 5 per Cents 80
Danish 5 per Cents
95 9 Swedish 4 per Cents 82 7
The English Funds are a shade lower today, as the bullion return by the Bank of England shows a decrease of 307,8471. Consols are now 87i 8 for both Money and Account. Exchequer Bills 2 die. 2 prem. In Foreign Stocks not the least change has occurred. Railways have rather receded : the present bargains are these—Caledonian, 531 ; London and North-Western, 961 ; North British, 291; York, Newcastle, and Berwick, 641; York and North Midland, 451.