13 MAY 1854, page 18

Rtittr5 Tu Tji (biter.

THE picramts AT WOBUBN ABBEY. Woburn Abbey, 9th May 1854. Bra—The extract with your remark in your paper of the 29th of April from Dr. Waagen's work, is calculated to produce an......

Decimal Coinage.—no. Iii.

London, 29th April 1854. SIR—Assuming the principles laid down to be admitted, the number of coins to be coined from a decimal pound of each of the standard metals, and the au-......

Life - Insitrance Obligations.

.Edinburgh, 25th April 1854. SIR—In your publication of the 22d, after correctly observing, that by the verdict of the Jury in the late case here of Dr. Smith he is neither......

Kr. Gladstone's War Budget.

St. John's Wood, 9th 3fay 1854. Bra—When I read your request, in the last number of the Spectator, that your correspondents would give their pens a rest for one week, I......