No further evidence has been produced in the Road murder,
but it is said Mies Kent will be tried in London instead of Wilt- shire, the venue being changed under the Palmer Act on account of local prepossessions. A section of society is manifesting the most curious feeling about the accused ; if she was guilty and sane, she committed a coldly cruel murder on very slight provocation, allowed her father to be considered the criminal for five years, and finally confessed in order to diminish her own chance of punishment in a future state. Yet the London Telegraph and many provincial papers are inundated with letters professing the deepest sympathy for her, and a sort of abhorrence of Mx. Wagner and Miss Green for inducing her to confess. It really seems as if the English abhorrence of the confessional blinded some people's moral sense. The practice of confession may be a bad one, though we should reprobate rather the absolution, but the ease is certainly not a bad instance of its use. What more can anybody do than help to make truth plain ?