13 MAY 1865, page 1

The Terms Excited Throughout The North A Kind Of Roar

of dis- gust which would have cowed Sherman even had he entertained the idea of resisting the President's order. He, however, on find- ing that he had miscalculated his own......

The Surrender Was Preceded By An Incident Which, But For

the firmness of the Government, might have involved a catastrophe. General Johnston had asked permission to surrender on the terms granted to General Lee, when Sherman of his......

News Of Tiie Week.

THE Confederate power died on the 26th April. On that day 1 General Johnston surrendered to General Grant—or to Gene- ral Sherman under his orders—all the armies east of the......

A Very Able Letter By The Head Master Of Rugby,

the Rev. F. Temple, in Thursday's Times expresses what half the world is thinking on the subject of Reform. He reminds Mr. Lowe that to exclude the millions from all political......

We Are Reluctantly Compelled To Omit The Number Of The

GOVERN- ING FAMILIES, in order to find room for Mr. Maurice's admirable letter on the duty of clergymen in reference to the elections.......

There Was A Most Discreditable Scene In The Commons On

Thurs- day night. The debate was on the second reading of Mr. Villiers's Union Chargeability Bill, which the squires who have "added field to field and house to house until......

The Debate On Mr. Baines's Bill Adjourned, Or Rather Not

adjourned but cut short, last week was resumed on Monday night by Mr. Gregory, who made a clever but flippant speech assailing Mr. Mill's proposals, defending fancy franchises,......

Mr. Newdegate Proposed The Second Reading Of His Bill...

a compramise about Church-rates on Wednesday afternoon. His proposal is to abolish the rates upon occupiers, and substitute a fixed and low rate upon owners, to be levied like......