The Juridical Review, which is published by Messrs. William Green
and Sons, Edinburgh, has now taken a high place among the periodicals that are devoted to legal subjects. There is, perhaps, rather too much of the air of the New Journalism about such a title to a paper—which paper, by-the-way, is itself lucid enough—as " Electricity as a Nuisance." There is plenty of variety in the Juridical Review. Thus, in the present number, Professor Nys, of Brussels, gives a very readable paper based on M. de Maulde-la-Clavil're's recent interesting monograph on " Diplomacy in the Time of Machiavelli." Mr. Farrelly discourses on " The New Italian School of Private International Law," and Mr. R. W. Renton takes up an old Scotch legal grievance in " The Investigation of Cases of Sudden Death in Scotland." The last is of special interest in Scotland, in view of the agitation for the introduction into that country of something like the coroners' inquests of England.