AT THE SEA-SIDE. FAR from this land of summer weather To where two children roam together In thought I wander; Meseems by Cambria's wave-beat shore, Mingling their voices with......
Bullfinches And Apple-blossom.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR "] Sin,—Your correspondent asks whether bullfinches really destroy the blossom of the apple-trees. They do ; and they do this, not to reach some......
School-board Religious Education.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] . SIR, — In your article on " School-Board Religious Education," in the Spectator of May gbh, referring to the teaching actually given in......
" A Common Christianity."
[To THE EDITOR. or THE " SPEOTAT010] SrR, — It is deeply interesting to learn from Dr. Martineau's letters to the Times, on which you commented in the Spectator of May 6th, that......