13 MAY 1899, Page 15


[To THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—Is it not the case that sleeplessness is caused more often by indigestion than " over-activity of the brain" ? I know one who is restless all night after two glasses of port taken at dinner, and claret has the same effect on myself. Many of us have an enemy in the food line, and for those who cannot detect their foe may I suggest that they should drink a glass or two glasses of hot water before going to bed, and not earlier than two hours after a meal ? It is a famous night-cap. There are some few who make the mistake of going to bed in- sufficiently fed, and hunger is as great a foe to sleep, especially to the delicate, as indigestion. That, again, shows the fault to lie not primarily in the brain, but in the stomach.