Mr. Gerald Balfour Introduced On Monday A Bill Estab-...
a Department of Agriculture and other Industries and Technical Instruction in Ireland, based on the measure brought in two years ago. The new Bill, he explained, concentrates in......
Discussion Of The Finance Bill Was Resumed In Committee On
Thursday, when Sir Michael Hicks-Beach refused to accept Mr. Broadhurst's amendment reducing the duty on tea from 4d. to 2d. per pound. Sir Howard Vincent's amendment proposing......
On Wednesday Mr. Mcarthur Moved The Second Reading Of The
Church Discipline Bill, a measure which sought to create new offences, a new Tribunal, and new punishments. The Attorney-General met the Bill by an amendment declaring that......
The Home Arts And Industries Association Has Been Holding...
yearly exhibition this week at the Albert Hall The object of the Association, it should be noted, is not only to teach artistic handicrafts to working men, but to inoculate them......
Mr. Balfour's Speech Winding Up The Debate Was As Sound
in matter and as lofty in tone as the rest of his contributions to the present controversy. As to the effects of the Tribunal at which Sir William Harcourt sneered, he declared......
Steady Progress Has Been Made In Committee During The Week
with the London Government Bill. On Monday a, settlement was come to with regard to the question of triennial v. annual elections, Captain Jessel's amendment, as further amended......
On Tuesday The Most Important Points That Came Up For
discussion were the transfer of powers from the County Council to, and the power of promoting Bills conferred on, the Borough Councils. In regard to the former Mr. Balfour, in......
Bank Rate, 3 Per Cent. New Consols (2k) Were On
Friday 1101.......