MISCELLANEOUS. —Books Worth . Reading. By Frank W. Raffety: (Sampson Low,
Marston, and Co. 3s. 6d.)—This is a useful selection, not always agreeing with what has been laid down by previous authorities, but always giving good reasons for the choice, and helping the reader with various suggestions.—It is natural to pass from this to Elements of Prose, by W. A. Brockington, M.A. (Blackie and Son, 28. 6d.), for it shows us how we may write, as far as style is concerned, books that may be read. It contains good advice and a number of rules for avoiding common errors and solecisms.— We have received the second part of A Picturesque History of Yorkshire, by .1. G. Fletcher (J. M. Dent and Co.), containing a description of the country "from Howden to York."—Plain Talk in Psalm and Parable, by Ernest Crosby (Brotherhood Publishing Company, 58), reminds us at once of Martin Tupper and Walt Whitman. Mr. Crosby wants patience and charity.— Dainty Meal; for Small Households, by Marguerite Ninet (Sampson Low, Marston, and Co., 3s. 6d.), is mainly a republication from the Queen. Of cookery-books there is no end, but they are always welcome and always tell us something new and useful.
The Annual Register for 1898. (Longman and Co. 188.)—This yearly volume shows no change in plan or execution. Part I. gives us "English History," and occupies not quite a third of the book. (It is a significant remark that the year began with a most un- settled outlook, except that the "Stock Exchanges of the world showed no apprehension of coming trouble.") " Foreign History," in which it would be better, perhaps, not to include the record of events in our Colonies, is nearly as long. After this we have a Chronicle of Events, a Retrospect of Literature (which has been cut down to narrow limits, perhaps rightly), of Science, Art,,the Drama, and Music, and an Obituary (Gladstone, Spencer Walpole, Sir T. Dyke-Acland, Sir W. Jenner being among the chief names). —The Royal Blue Book and Court Guide (Kelly's Directories) appears for its seventy - seventh year of issue. This is the May edition, for there are two, it will be remembered, in the year.