13 MAY 1916, Page 1

First of all, Germany, having been fairly " caught out

" lying about the ' Sussex '—for fragments of a German torpedo were discovered on board—now admits that she may have been mis- taken, but reserves further communication on this subject till facts of " decisive importance " have been ascertained. [Since the Note was received Germany has more explicitly admitted that the' Sussex' was torpedoed and has offered reparation.] Germany, it is asserted, has exercised much restraint in her use of submarines out of respect for neutrals (poor neutrals !), and her commanders are instructed to act according to the " general principles of inter- national law." But " errors " have no doubt occurred. " Errors " is surely the master-word for the crimes of sinking the Lusitania,' the Ancona,' the ' Arabic,' the ' Persia,' the Sussex,' and the rest. Next, America must bear, the blame for the greater part of the " accidents " to American citizens, since she refused to accept the proposals whereby Germany sought to " reduce to a minimum for American travellers and goods the inherent dangers of naval war- fare." In other words, America is blamed because she sees clearly that the right to murder claimed by Germany cannot on any moral grounds be made to depend upon the question whether Britain does or does not delay mails and hold up cargoes of coal and food.