13 MAY 1916, page 1

News Of The Week.

T HE most interesting, and what events may prove to have been the most important, incident of the past week was the receipt of the German reply to the last American Note on sub-......

We Cannot Refrain Incidentally From Expressing Our...

diction with which Mr. Wilson has expressed himself. How different it is from the woolly or muddy language in which our Foreign Office despatches are too frequently written I......

First Of All, Germany, Having Been Fairly " Caught Out

" lying about the ' Sussex '—for fragments of a German torpedo were discovered on board—now admits that she may have been mis- taken, but reserves further communication on this......

Germany Then Goes On To Say That, Though She Cannot

dispense with submarine warfare, which is directed against British illegality, she will make " a further concession." Submarine commanders shall, in fact, act in accordance with......

After Considering This Extraordinary Reply, President...

break off relations at once, but to assume that the German concession was made without its impossible condition. Tactical courtesy and patience have never been carried further.......

The German Reply Turned Out To Be A Lengthy Spinning

of words, here making a concession and there making the concession depend upon an impossible condition, and for the rest doing homage to peace and humanity in a manner that......

It Is Exceedingly Difficult To Record The Nature Of The

week's events in Ireland, so meagre is the information obtainable. The only certain news is that the Courts-Martial are proceeding with their work, painful but absolutely......

*** The Editor Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript In Any


To Our Readers.—one Of The Chief Ways In Which Our

readers can help us to meet the Paper Famine is by informing the Newsagents, Booksellers, or Railway Bookstalls from which they are accustomed to purchase their paper that they......