13 MAY 1916, Page 2

Mr. Lloyd George's very powerful appeal would probably have turned

many votes if there had been many wavcrers. But the truth was that the acceptance of the Bill was P. foregone conclusion. The principle of compulsion had been conceded in the debates on the Bill for compelling unmarried men, and thus there was the curious spectacle of the more drastic second Bill being discussed without excitement. Even Sir John Simon, though he continued his opposition, was no longer nervously regarded as the dark horse who might bring off a surprise. Mr. Henderson, who made an extremely useful contribution to the debate, pointed out that the critics of the existing Military Service Act had been all wrong, They had denied that 650,000 unmarried men were available, but, as a matter of fact, 750,000 had been found. The Army would receive 300,000 of these, and 187,000 were already with the colours. In the division 328 voted for the second reading, and only 36 against.