Convocation met yesterday in the Jerusalem Chamber, and actually did
some business. Reporters were not generally admitted into the -Upper House, which deliberated under the presidency of the Archbishop of Can- terbury ; but it appears that an address to the Crown was moved by the Primate, and an amendment by.the Bishop of Oxford ; when a discussion ensued, followed by an adjournment to Tuesday. The Archbishop has also undertaken that a petition from the Curates of Exeter diocese, com- plaining that they were not summoned to the election of Proctors, shall be taken into consideration.
The Lower House, with the Dean of Ely in the chair as Prolocutor, threw open its doors to the reporters. Petitions were presented for and against the revival of Convocation. Dr. Spry moved a resolution, which was seconded by Archdeacon Hare, praying the Primate not to prorogue Convo- cation until sufficient time had been given to consider a representation of "gravamina" and "reformanda " appended to the resolution. This was afterwards somewhat altered in form, on the suggestion of Archdeacon Har- rison ; the prayer of the resolution being, that time should be given to receive the report of a Committee appointed to consider the representa- tion. The Dean of Bristol, Archdeacons Garbett, Elliott, Sinclair, Hale, and Denison, the Reverend Canon Wordsworth, and Dr. M`Caul, took part in the proceedings. The House adjourned, by order of the Arch- bishop of Canterbury, until Tuesday ; having sat six hours and a half.
The Queen has been pleased to appoint his Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury, his Grace the Archbishop of York, John Winston Churchill, Esq., (commonly called Marquis of Blandford,) the Right Honourable the Earl of Harrowby, the Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of London, the Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of Oxford, the Right Honourable Sir John Dodson, Knight, LL.D. the Right Honourable Sir John Patteson, Knight, Sir 1William Page Wood, X' night, the Reverend Christopher Wordsworth, D.D., the Reverend Walter Farquhar Hook, D.D. the Re- verend John Jackson, M.A., and the Reverend Edward Selwyn, to be her Majesty's Commissioners for inquiring into the state of the Cathe- dral and Collegiate Churches in England and Wales, and matters con- nected therewith.—London Gazette, Nov. 12.