13 NOVEMBER 1852, page 20
Commercial Gazette.
Tuesday, November 9. BARYNERanzes Dissozvam-Cheatham and Dixon, Wolsingham, Durham, tanners -Standen and Sautes, Northiam, Sussex, farmers-Eyre and Hanson, Liverpool,......
Prices Current.
FUNDS. (Closing Prices.) Satord. (Monday. riuoday.ilrednes. Thom Friday r --- 1004 1001 1001 1001 1003 1004 — 1001 1001 100 1 100 4 1004 991 991 994 994 991 991 103} 1031 1031......
Military Gazette.
OFFICE or ORDNANCE, Nov. 8.-Ordnance Medical Department-Surg. W. Kelly, M.D. to be Senior Sorg. vice Chisholm, who retires on half-pay ; Assist: Sorg. J. Bent to be Surg. vice......