13 NOVEMBER 1852, Page 11

Monsieur Jullien has commenced the annual series of promenade con-

certs, which ho has been in the habit of giving in Drury Lane Theatre for a month before Christmas. He announces this as his " saison

d'adieu," before his departure for America; his stay will in all pro- bability be a long one, for his entertainmnt will be welcomed as .4 bril- liant novelty from New Orleans to Quebec.

His present concerts are precisely similar to those of former years. The theatre is fitted up and decorated in a similar way ; the orchestra is similar in strength and quality ; and the music is -a similar mixture-of classical orchestral pieces with waltzes, quadrilles, and polkas,—operatic selections with the vocal parts performed on wind-instruments, and a few songs by a favourite vocalist, who at present is Mademoiselle Anna Zerr.

The first concert, on Monday evening, was attended by an immense multitude; who conducted themselves on the whole with order and pro- priety, and listened attentively to the movements of Mozart and Beet- hoven as well as to Jullien's own spirit-stirring dances. Between .the parts, however, a good deal of disturbance was created by a,party of the genus "gent," who, after much noise, were carried off by the Pace, and next morning figured at Bow Street, and were properly punished by fine and imprisonment. The people of this country have still something to learn from the 'French and Germans in regard to behaviour at cheap and popular places of amusement : among them, noise and indecorum are never met with.