13 NOVEMBER 1852, Page 5

Or Court

Tan Queen remained at Windsor Castle until Wednesday ; and enter- tained as her guests, successively, the Duke and Duchess of Terceira, the Earl of Hardwick, Professor Sedgwick, Viscount Hardinge, the Duke of Brabant, the Count of Flanders, and the Princess Charlotte of Belgium. -

The Earl of Derby and the Earl of Malmesbury had an audience of the Queen on Tuesday.

The Queen and Prince Albert left Windsor on Wednesday, and arrived at Buckingham Palace ; where her Majesty held a Court and Privy Council in the afternoon. At the Court, M. Musurus had an audience to present Nubar Bey, who has been sent bythe Pacha of Egypt with a pre- sent of some horses for her Majesty. Colonel Schiafino, accompanied by Colonel Facio, Mexican Charge d'Affaires, had an audience of the Queen. The Colonel has brought some ponies as a present to her Majesty from the President of .Mexico. Lord Derby, Lord Westmoreland, Lord Lons- dale, and the Duke of Northumberland, had audiences. The Privy Council was attended by nearly all the Ministers • and the Queen's Speech on the opening of the session was settled. The Marquis of Win- chester took the oaths on his appointment as Lord-Lieutenant of Hamp- shire ; and Lord Bateman on his appointment in Hertfordshire.

The Queen went in the usual state on Thursday to the House of Lords, to open the session of Parliament. Her Majesty quitted Buckingham Palace a little before two o'clock, and returned a few minutes past three. On this occasion "Queen Victoria's weather" was absent : the day was wet and dismal, and the first session of Lord Derby's Parliament opened in mist and gloom.

The Queen and Prince Albert, accompanied by the Prince of Wales, -the Princess Royal, Prince Alfred, and the Princess Alice, the Duke of Brabant, the Count of Flanders, and the Princess Charlotte, visited Chel- sea Hospital to witness the lying in state of the remains of Arthur Duke of Wellington.

In consequence of the approaching funeral of the Duke, the birthday of the Prince of Wales was not kept on Tuesday with the ceremonies usual on that occasion.

The Queen, Prince Albert, and the Royal children, returned yesterday afternoon to Windsor Castle.