13 NOVEMBER 1869, Page 1

Whether the outbreak will come or not we cannot judge,

but we note a fact. The Inpatients do not seem to havc a soldier of any known capacity in their rank. Colonel Charras has never been replaced, and had he lived, would, we doubt not, have adhered to the brain of his party, instead of going with its "body," which seems just now to have got St. Vitus's dance. We can see no evidence that the Impatients have any arms, or any plan for passive resistance, or any reason to doubt that a descent into the streets would be followed by a tremendous massacre. Insurrection in such circumstances is a crime against Republicanism, a proof that the Empire has demoralized the workmen. They have never, since '89, let mere hate cloud their brains like this. Even in '48 they had as much chance as any other forlorn hope,—arms, leaders, and a cause which was tolerably intelligible to mankind.