The Blackbird Of Baden, And Other Stories. By Robert Black,
M.A. (Sampson Low and Co.)—The seven stories of this volume are reprinted, for the most part, from Chambers' Journal. This is, of itself, something of a recommendation, nor will......
Viola. By The Author Of Caste. (hurst And Blackett.)—the...
certainly has a most amazing wealth of words, (might we suggest that she should diminish her stock by one, " geniusy," which can hardly be allowed to stand for "full of genius "......
War Justified. By A Lover Of Peace. (hamilton, Adams, And
Co.)— We imagine this to be a question on which argument has even less practical effect in the way of causing conviction than it commonly has. Most men will think it altogether......
Legal Editing.* Mr. Serjeant Stephen, In A Note To His
edition of Blackstone, describes Reeves's History of the English Law as a work "of high character, but less read, perhaps, than it deserves. Though its method is somewhat dry,......
Lnedited Tracts. Printed For The Roxburgh° Library.—mr....
this volume three tracts, all of which afford interesting illustra- tions of English life during the fifty years which concluded the sixteenth century and began the seventeenth.......
Current Literature.
Roma Sotterranea ; or, Some Account of the Roman Catacombs. By the Rev. J. Spencer Northcote, D.D., and the Rev. W. B. Brownlow, M.A. (Longmans.)—This is a volume of very great......