The Blackbird of Baden, and other Stories. By Robert Black,
M.A. (Sampson Low and Co.)—The seven stories of this volume are reprinted, for the most part, from Chambers' Journal. This is, of itself, something of a recommendation, nor will the reader who tries the book on the strength of it find himself disappointed. On the whole, we prefer Mr. Black's pathos, though more than once it is very sad indeed, to his humour. "The Unexpected Blessing," a story of a small tradesman who rose to great wealth through the notoriety which followed the birth of three children at once, is too much of a caricature to please us. The "Pretty Butcheress," where the humour is more subdued, is much more satisfactory. "The Two Turnings to the Right," a story of temptation withstood, is well conceived and powerfully told. Altogether, we can recommend the volume to our readers ; it is of necessity somewhat slight in texture, but it is evidently the work of a practised pen.