Mr. Maurice's farewell sermon and communion at St. Peter's, Vere
Street, on Sunday last, made of the day one not to be easily forgotten by any who were present on the occasion. Besides regular attendants, the church was crowded, not with the idle and the curious, but with all those who from various causes—change of residence, retiring to the country, &c. —have been habitually unable, of late years, at all events, to hold or retain seats there, and friends knelt together at the altar who meet but at the rarest intervals elsewhere. The Pall Mall, in its number of the following day, gave a re:sume of the sermon, to which our readers may be referred (although it is hoped that Mr. Maurice will be induced to print the whole) ; suffice it to say, that to the present writer it appeared to breathe more entirely the spirit of that most touching farewell of St. Paul to the Ephesian.s than any address of the kind that he has ever heard or known of. And so the teacher on whose lips some of the noblest men in England have hung retires —it is hard to believe that it will be permanently—from London ministrations.