We have discussed this vote elsewhere, but may remark here
that the vote was taken by secret ballot, on the motions of M. 'Gambetta. The reason for this proceeding on the part of the great Republican is not quite apparent. He himself is reported to have said that he would give the Legitimists a chance, and his Tarty evidently thought they would draw votes, for they cheered .Lis suggestion rapturously, but the result showed that if this 'were the expectation, it was fallacious. The majority which founded the Republic did not vote for the scrutin de lisle. Another explanation suggested is that M. Gambetta did not %want the adherents of the scrutin d'arrondissement to form a Tarty, but this seems far-fetched, and we rather incline to the -opinion that the Liberal leaders, aware that they must be defeated, 'desired to leave those who were deserting them free to support .certain compromises which are to be suggested before the third reading. The secret vote can rarely be advantageous to Liberals, .as Members are nearly sure to be less liberal than their /constituencies.