A Curious Illustration Of The Horror Which Our English...
sometimes inspires,—and no one can wonder, at the present time, at its inspiring any amount of horror,—came before Sir James Bacon on Tuesday, under the form of a question......
Mr. Stansfeld Made A Clever Speech Last Week At Bury,
in Lancashire, on occasion of opening a large Hall and Liberal Club. He spoke of Mr. Ward Hunt as having shown that it is quite possible to have an administrator who, without......
A Pamphlet Has Appeared At Berlin, Called " Pro Nihilo,"
con- taining many of the letters produced at Count Arnim's trial. They are full of bitter complaints from Prince Bismarck against the Count for not supporting M. Thiers, for......
The Cologne Gazette Publishes The Substance Of Some...
.by S. Castelar to M. Thiers in a recent conversation. They look.true, though the source of the information is not given. S. Castelar thinks the Demagogues will drive away King......
Education Is A Depressing Subject For A Speech, But Mr.
Glad. stone contrived to make it amusing on Thursday night at Green- wich, when distributing the prizes to the successful students of the Science and Art Classes. He apologised......
The Head Masters Of Public And Endowed Schools Feel So
strongly about the grievous wrong of the Felsted Head Master, who was dismissed without a hearing, in the fashion which we laid before our readers last week, that they have......
Nevertheless, Prince Leopold Succeeded Very Creditably In...
delivered the same day, on a precisely similar occasion, at Oxford, and it is a curious illustration of the difficulty of getting accurate statistics, that Mr. Gladstone's and......