13 NOVEMBER 1875, Page 16


[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.") SIR,—In the very kindly notice of my little "History of Greece"' in your last number, the writer, condoling with me on my enforced brevity, remarks, " It is hard, for instance, not to be told about the fate of Demosthenes." I should myself have so. low an opinion of the workmanship which could thus allow its heroes to drop from its hands, that I trust you will permit me to. point out that your reviewer, owing, no doubt, to my own imperfect arrangement, is in error, and that the fate of Demos-. thenes is recorded in section 22, page 125.—I am, Sir, &c., 131 Piccadilly. C. A. FYFFE. [We owe an apology to Mr. Fyffe. The event is recorded, but not where we looked for it. —En. Spectator.]