The list of Birthday Honours which appeared on Tuesday Morning
included the names of six new Privy Councillors, six new Baronets, and twenty new Knights. Of the Privy Councillors, we may especially mention Sir Walter Hely- Hutchinson, who has been Governor of the Cape of Good Hope since 1901; Sir Henry Roscoe, the distinguished man of science, sometime Professor of Chemistry at Owens College ; and Colonel Seely, Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies,—a well-deserved honour which will please his many friends on both sides of the House. We note with interest that a knighthood has been conferred upon Dr. Robertson Nicoll, the well-known exponent of political Nonconformity. Sir William Robertson Nicoll has, however, more than a party claim to his honour. He has been the introducer to the wider public of not a few modern men of letters,— among them Mr. Barrie and "Ian Maclaren."