There Was A Heated Discussion In The French Chamber On
Monday, when the supporters of electoral reform showed themselves to be in a large majority. In two divisions the principles of proportional representation and of the scrutin de......
On Thursday The Turkish Circular Note On The Cretan Question
was presented at the Foreign Office. The purport of the Note is to urge upon the protecting Powers a prompt settlement of the Cretan question on lines which would guarantee......
Mr. Asquith Spoke At Length On The Congo Problem. A
month ago he would have had to employ very different language from that which was now possible. Up till recently the conditions on which the Congo State was founded had not......
A Curious Situation Has Been Brought About In Hungary By
the action of M. de Justh, the President of the Chamber and leader of the extreme wing of the Independence Party. While M. Kossuth and Count Apponyi were entertaining the......
The Religions Question In France Is Discussed In An...
ing message from the Paris correspondent of the Times in Tuesday's paper. He thinks the question will not dominate the General Election next year, but it is none the less......
If The Religious Question Were Only A Religious Question, It
would be no worse than our own eternal quarrel, but it is much more ; it covers a definite policy on the part of the Church, which is in nearly all respects hostile to the......
The Interest Of The Speeches At The Guildhall Banquet On
Tuesday, if we except a significant utterance of Lord Justice Farwell, on which we comment elsewhere, centred in Mr. Asquith's references to foreign policy. After a sympathetic......
The Special Correspondent Of The Times At Melilla Says In
Wednesday's paper that there will be no more forward move- ments by the Spanish army in Morocco. Almost the whole Beni Sicar district will be held by fortified posts, and for......
After The Finance Bill Had Been Formally Read A First
time in the Lords on Monday, Lord Denman moved the second reading of the London Elections Bill. Lord Derby, who moved the rejection of the Bill, admitted the hardship of......